The Swindon Town Supporters Trust said that they anticipate the club to reach a point where change is necessary over the summer.

The Trust published an open letter to owner Clem Morfuni on Wednesday, stating that they had “lost all confidence and trust in the leadership” and set an ultimatum for concrete change.

Speaking to the Adver, Vice Chair James Phipps said that he believed the club would soon be at a point where they would have to change or be in major jeopardy.

He said: “I think the reality is that there is going to be a shock on the season ticket renewals and that is going to create a huge challenge for the club.

“I would expect that to bring the club to a point where they realise that something has to change. We are not talking about small sums of money, it is a very significant sum if a third of season ticket holders don’t renew.

“That typically at a lower league club is what gets them through the summer while there is no money coming in. Bearing in mind we know the club has had significant cash flow challenges, you would imagine that gets to the point where something has to change just for the benefit of the shareholders, let alone the fans.

“We are trying to give that notice in advance and we are reiterating that if you do these things then you have got a chance of stopping this downward cycle and get into a better place.

“We are really crystal clear that we will not stand by and watch the club deteriorate to the point of going out of the Football League, so we will keep reviewing the situation and seeing what progress is made and consult members again if we think that that is relevant.

“The whole Trust board genuinely hopes that the club has a period of reflection and says, ‘What do we need to do to get better?’

“We are not masters of running a football club but we are there to tell them what their customers think and if they genuinely listen to that then it is only ever going to be for their benefit.

“I hope they bring in experienced people on and off the pitch, it is clear from what people like Frazer [Blake-Tracy] have said and what the fans clearly see, that that is where the medium- to long-term success of the club will be.”